
Mind Mapping On Demand Video and Live Training

Learn the difference between "Live" Training & "On Demand" Training

Professor Marek Kasperski

Differences between Live and On Demand training

Live Training including Zoom Online
  • Live training is conducted between your trainer and you, or in some cases, a group of students.
  • Courses can be modified to suit special student needs, such as teachers.
  • Students need to be available at a pre-determined time.
  • Students can ask questions and participate in conversations.
  • The content in Live training is exactly the same as On Demand Training.
  • The same certificate is issued at the end of the course.
  • An official course study guide document is issued at the completion of the course.
On Demand Video Training
  • Students are given access to pre-recorded video training.
  • Training must be completed within a 90-day period.
  • Students can study at their convenience.
  • On Demand Video training is approximately 50% cheaper than live training.
  • The content in On Demand training is exactly the same as Live Training.
  • The same certificate is issued at the end of the course.
  • An official course study guide document is issued at the completion of the course for the Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner, and TBLI Courses.
  • Access is immediate after online payment is made. Credit card or PayPal. 
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